
Question of the Week

Ok folks, it's Witch Week here. We're needing your thoughts on this one:

Are you a good witch or a bad witch? If you could cast any spell, what would it be?

For the witchly readers among us, we're always looking for great titles about magic! So bring it on...

And speaking of magic, Katherine Howe's
Physick Book of Deliverance Dane is among our top reads right now. Be sure to take a peek at her post on Wonders & Marvels: Can Witch Trials be Reasonable?

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  1. If I were a witch, I'd find a way to make the pots and pans cook dinner for me!

  2. Well, usually a good witch. But we Southern witches tend to be pragmatic about witchcraft.

    One spell - never having to worry about money. Not lots of money. Just not having to worry about it.

    Books - Ann Moura's New History of Witchcraft. Ann is also a witch so this is a good book for a view from inside the craft.


  3. Oh definitely bad, very very bad, and I like it that way! (High pitched cackling laugh!)


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